Terms and conditions
These general terms of use (hereinafter referred to as “General Terms of Use”) concern the use of the online platform available at (hereinafter referred to as “Made In Online Store”), developed and owned by BF WOMAN, based in Lisbon – Portugal, NIF 516247336.
In particular, these General Terms of Use regulate the use of the Made In Online Store by interested parties who register there in order to become customers, (hereinafter “Buyer” and/or “Buyers”) and, as well , by suppliers (hereinafter “Supplier” and/or “Suppliers”) who wish to make their products available (hereinafter “Products”) for acquisition by the former, through an ordering process to be carried out under the terms set out here, aimed at purchase and sale of Products between Users and which may include one or more Products.
Made In will not be responsible for the activity of Users in the Made In Online Store, and is in no way bound to approve, consent or in any way control their activity, and all activities may be carried out in the Made In Online Store permitted to Users, within the limits established in these General Terms of Use, other complementary documents and applicable legislation, and sold all types of products, except those expressly identified in the “List of Products Not Allowed in the Made In Online Store” as well as of others that Made In may define at any time and also of any and all products whose trade is prohibited by national law.
The use of the Made In Online Store is subject to prior and express acceptance of these General Terms of Use by Users who, without prejudice to the provisions of point 2 below, must express their full consent to them at the time of your registration in the Online Store.
These General Terms of Use are permanently available in the Made In Online Store for consultation and printing by any interested party, who can also save them in digital format, at any time.
1.1 Through the Made In Online Store, Made In grants Suppliers the opportunity to sell Products to Buyers and the latter the possibility of purchasing the same from Suppliers, also allowing Buyers, among other activities to be defined at each moment, share and publicize the Products they purchase, the Products they would like to purchase and the Products they think third parties may be interested in purchasing.
1.2 In this way, Made In’s role focuses on management, promotion, maintenance and development of the Made In Online Store, taking part in transactions that are or will be promoted and/or carried out through it, thus being an integral part of orders. Purchase and sale transactions are carried out between Users and Made In. Made In is an integral part of the purchase process, providing users with the essential forms of payment for Products, receiving directly from Buyers the amounts paid by them as price and subsequently delivering them to Suppliers under the terms agreed with them.
2.1. Users must carefully read these General Terms of Use before registering at the Made In Online Store and carrying out any actions there (namely any Orders), and it is also advisable to print and file them.
2.2. As mentioned above, Users express their consent to these General Terms of Use when registering in the Made In Online Store, this consent being renewed by Buyers whenever they place an Order and by Suppliers whenever they accept them.
2.3. Made In may change the content of these General Terms of Use at any time and without prior notice, including the possibility of changing any of its complementary documents.
2.4. When using the Made In Online Store – including placing Orders – the General Terms of Use and other documents complementary to them will apply, namely those referred to in the Introduction, and these documents must be read, analyzed, understood and interpreted. always be done in a joint, integrated and complementary manner.
2.5. The General Terms of Use in force on the date on which it was completed will apply to a given Order and not others that may be in force on the date on which any claim or dispute arises.
3.1. The responsibility arising from the use of materials protected by intellectual and industrial property rights contained in the Made In Online Store will be exclusive to the user.
3.2. If the Buyer wishes to delete his registration on the Made In Online Store, he can easily do so in the area designated for the buyer, with the respective personal data and other information made available by the Buyer in question being deleted in accordance with the Privacy Policy mentioned in Point 14 of the these General Terms of Use.
4.1 Until the successful completion of a Buyer’s registration, they will always be able to access the Made In Online Store having access to the content provided by the suppliers, and will also be able to place orders, only being asked for the data necessary for completion of the same. All actions on the Platform require prior registration/login.
5.1 Purchase Products: Each Buyer may place Orders, or simply add Products that interest them to their respective “Shopping Cart”, anywhere on the platform.
5.2 Made In reserves the right to change the list of activities available to Buyers in the Made In Online Store, in the manner and at the time that, in its sole discretion, it deems convenient, useful or necessary.
6.1. The Order process will necessarily include the following phases:
6.1.1. Product(s) Choice Phase: The Buyer must choose the product(s) subject to their Order that are present in the online store;
6.1.2. Order Instruction Phase: The Buyer must provide the information required throughout the Order process, which will consist, in particular, of the delivery address, shipping method, payment method and tax identification number;
6.1.3. Confirmation Phase: The Buyer must confirm the correctness and authenticity of all elements provided by him, as well as his acceptance of the price(s) of the Product(s) subject to the Order, shipping costs, delivery deadline indicated by Made In for each Product subject to the Order, and other expenses possibly associated with it and, as well, analyze and, if applicable, provide your consent, to the “Shipping, Returns and Exchanges Policy” from Made In;
6.1.4. Payment Phase: The Buyer must indicate which payment method he intends to use for the purpose of paying for the Product(s) subject to the Order;
6.1.5. Order Finalization Phase: The Buyer must complete his Order, with the consequences referred to in point 6.2. below, selecting the option indicated in the Made In Online Store for this purpose;
6.1.6. Made In Confirmation Phase: The Buyer will receive an email in which Made In will confirm the successful completion of the Order, indicate an “Order Number” that the Buyer must use in all subsequent communications with the Supplier, deliver the invoice relating to the transaction.
6.2. Upon completing the ordering process, the Buyer validates it by expressing their full and complete acceptance of these General Terms of Use, which implies, in particular, acceptance of the chosen Product(s), respective price and description, as well as the assumption of all rights and obligations arising from these General Terms of Use and other documents referred to herein, in particular Made In’s “Shipping, Returns and Exchanges Policy”.
6.3. After completing the Order process, described in point 6.1. above, the Supplier in question must prepare the order, in accordance with the shipping policy, so that the carrier can collect the Product and deliver it to the Buyer’s address or to a carrier’s delivery point if that was the option chosen. , thus complying with all legal duties to which it is subject under current legislation.
6.4. In the message referred to in point 6.1.6. above, will also be sent by Made In to the Buyer, in addition to the information required by law, it will contain all the data entered by the latter during the Order process, and the latter will have to verify their accuracy and, if necessary, immediately notify Made In of any necessary changes, and you are therefore solely responsible for any consequences of any error or oversight in completing the Order.
6.5. Made In gives the Buyer the opportunity to monitor the execution of the Order in the Made In Online Store, at any time after its completion.
6.6. The completion of the Order will constitute proof of the order, in accordance with legal provisions, allowing the enforceabilityof the amounts appearing on the respective receipt.
6.7. Buyers and Suppliers agree that computerized records, kept in Made In’s computer system under secure conditions, provide proof of communications made, as well as Orders and payments made.
7.1. Made In will entrust an external entity to guarantee the full, safe and correct execution of payments made by Buyers in the Made In Online Store, namely the inviolability of the bank details provided by Buyers.
7.2. Payment for the Product(s) purchased from the Made In Online Store must be made via credit card or ATM payment under the terms indicated in the “Payment Policy” document.
7.3. The invoice relating to each Order will be issued by Made In and will be sent to the Buyer, accompanied by the information provided by the Buyer (no changes will be permitted after the invoice has been issued).
7.4. Product prices are clearly indicated in the Made In Online Store, expressed in euros (€); these prices do not include: (i) shipping costs for the Product(s) purchased; (ii) the amounts corresponding to any taxes and/or import customs duties that are due for the importation of these products, expenses that will be borne by the Buyer who places the Order.
7.5. The shipping costs for the Product(s) purchased, which may vary depending on the shipping method, the value of the Order, the weight and destination of the Product(s), will be presented in a detailed manner before finalizing the Order.
7.6. When we process your order, we will inform you as soon as possible by email if any of the products included in your order are not available. In this case, we will not charge any amount for said product.
8.1. Made In, together with the Supplier selling the Product(s) purchased and the Carrier will honor orders duly completed in the shortest possible time, carrying out the respective shipment in accordance with the “Shipping, Returns and Exchanges Policy” made available to the Made In Buyer and accepted by them when completing the order.
8.2. In some cases, Made In will not be able to confirm a specific delivery date when the Buyer places their order. In these cases, it will provide the best estimate, usually indicating a range of days. Furthermore, the Buyer can check the status of their order at any time in their personal area of the Made In Online Store or by contacting customer service via email at
8.3. When delivering the Products to the Buyer, the Buyer must carefully check:
a) That the tamper-proof label (if applicable) remains intact and that the packaging has not been damaged or altered in any way;
b) That the Product(s) delivered correspond(s) to the Product(s) purchased in the Made In Online Store; and
c) That the number of the Product(s) delivered corresponds to the quantity of the Product(s) purchased in the Made In Online Store;
d) That the product is in good condition.
8.4. The Buyer must immediately report, via email to, any violation of the tamper-proof label on the Product packaging (if applicable) or if the number of articles/packaging or indications does not correspond to that indicated on the respective invoice or if the product is faulty, contact the Made In Online Store and indicate the Order in which the problems occurred.
9.1 Compliance with legislation procedures applicable to the sale of products through transactions concluded remotely to suppliers of goods, in particular as discounts that are used for consumers, is the responsibility of Made In.
9.2 As a result of the provisions of point 9.1 above, Suppliers are obliged, vis-à-vis Buyers and Made In, to fully and timely comply with the obligations indicated and established therein, all in accordance with applicable law and the respective “Shipping Policy, Returns and Exchanges” from Made In.
10.1. To exercise the right of Free Resolution, the Buyer must return, under registered mail and within 14 days from receipt of the order, all material received. This material must be new and complete, as at the time of receipt of the order, and the products must be returned to us in their original conditions.
10.2. The Buyer must send an email to or contact us via the messaging channel available in the “Contact Area”.omendations” stating their intention to return and their reasons.
10.3 In addition to what is mentioned in point 10.2. above, the Buyer will find in the “Orders Area” of the Made In Online Store all the necessary means for the full and timely exercise of their legal rights, being able at any time to have real-time access to the “status” of all Orders that carried out and, at that same moment, choose to exercise your “right of free resolution” on the Product(s) that comprise it, if the requirements for exercising the right in question are met.
10.4 To the exercise of the right and free resolution, within 14 working days, under the provisions of Decree-Law no. 24/2014, of 14 February, amended by Law 47/2014 of 28/07 and by Decree Law no. 47/2014, of 28/07 return, exchange or activation of the product warranty, Buyers should consult the “Shipping, Returns and Exchanges Policy” of the Made In Online Store.
11.1 Suppliers guarantee that the Products made available in the Made In Online Store are in accordance with current national and community legislation, being individually responsible for any non-conformity.
11.2 Suppliers undertake to follow some principles of sustainability such as recycling and choosing durable raw materials; ethical and sustainable products; transparency in actions, such as water, energy consumption and working conditions; and local production.
11.3. The images and colors of Products published in the Made In Online Store may differ from their actual images and colors due to the display settings of local systems and/or devices used by Buyers to view them.
11.4. Suppliers assure Made In that when selling these products using the Made In Online Store, they respect all applicable standards and rules, including, but not limited to, the provisions of Law 98/2015, of August 18, with the amendments to the DL No. 120/2017, of September 15th.
12.1. For complaints and complaints regarding the online store, you can contact it via the following email or additionally through our complaints book. More information on the Consumer Directorate-General website:
13.1. Suppliers acknowledge that the management of the Made In Online Store is the responsibility of Made In and that they do not have any right or expectation to interfere in these activities.
13.2. Suppliers further acknowledge that Made In is perfectly free to, according to the criteria that seem most relevant to it, authorize the entry of any new Suppliers or eliminate the accounts of those who, in its free and exclusive discretion, harm the operation of the Store. Online Made In or contribute in any way to some type of imbalance in the relationship between all Suppliers.
13.3. Made In is not responsible for any inconvenience or damage caused to Suppliers and Buyers by the use of the internet, particularly those arising from the occurrence of disruption of the respective service, external intrusion, anomalies caused by computer viruses or any other cause to which be oblivious.
14.1. Made In manages User information in accordance with the legal provisions applicable to the protection of personal data, as specified in the specific section of the Made In Online Store entitled “Privacy Policy”.
15.1. The information made available by Made In or third parties in the Made In Online Store is protected in accordance with the legal provisions relating to industrial and intellectual property rights and other rules set out in the specific section of the Made In Online Store entitled “Property Policy Industrial and Intellectual“.
These General Terms of Use are subject to Portuguese law and any disputes resulting from their interpretation, integration or execution will be settled by the courts of the district of Lisbon, the Parties expressly renouncing the jurisdiction of any other Court.</p >
Under the terms of Law No. 144/2015 of 8 September, in the event of a dispute, the parties may resort to an Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution entity, with the territorially competent authority for this purpose being the Arbitration Center in Portugal. of Consumer Conflicts in Lisbon, located at Rua dos Douradouros, 116, 2º 1100-207, Lisbon, available at Or, outside Portugal on the RLL Platform, of the European Commission, accessible at: https://ec
1.1. The rights relating to intellectual and industrial property such as brands, logos, texts, photographs, icons, images, as well as the graphic design, source code and other software elements contained in the Made In Online Store are the property of Made In, which is manner, subject to intellectual and industrial property rights, safeguarded by Portuguese and international legislation.
2.1 The availability of Products in the Made In Online Store does not imply on the part of Made In the waiver, transmission, total or partial assignment of rights derived from intellectual and industrial property, nor does it assign rights of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication about these contents, without the prior and express written authorization of the respective rights holders.
2.2 The provisions referred to in the previous paragraph do not impede the rights of viewing and obtaining a private backup copy of the contents therein. referred to, whenever: (i) these rights are exercised in accordance with the principles of good faith; (ii) their intellectual and industrial property remains unchanged; and (iii) are exercised without profit-making intentions and exclusively for the User’s personal and exclusive information.
3.1. The responsibility arising from the use of materials protected by intellectual and industrial property rights contained in the Made In Online Store will be exclusive to the user.
4.1. This “Intellectual and Industrial Property Policy” is an integral document of the “General Terms of Use” of the Made In Online Store and its reading, analysis, understanding and interpretation must always be done in accordance with and in conjunction with the terms and conditions established in the document in question and other documents complementary to it, duly identified there.
5.1. In view of the provisions of the previous point, terms beginning with a capital letter in this “Intellectual and Industrial Property Policy” have the same meaning given to them in the “General Terms of Use” of the Made In Online Store, unless this document results in a different meaning.